See How Easy Some One Can Hack Your Facebook Account Through Facebook Message Or Chat : You May Already Be A Victim. Do you know some one can
hack your facebook account to gain access without you noticing. They will have access to your facebook account after hacking into it with your own username, email and password you willingly gave to them without you noticing how they did it. Most of you must have already falling victim of this and you keep wondering how did i manage to give my facebook account details, including your secret password to them.well, its simple. You willingly gave them your facebook account details without you knowing it, either through chatting with some one who disguise him or her self to be a contestant that is competing with others in a competition and asked you to vote for their picture to get more points.

They will send you a shortened link so hide the website name so you won't notice anything fishing about the link and when you click on it, it will take you to their own phishing website that looks exactly like facebook and it will ask you to login to your facebook account. If you dare insert your login details and click on the Login Button, it will keep asking you, saying you have entered the wrong account details but unknowingly to you, you have succeeded in sending your facebook account details to them because the website you are using is not facebook site, the site was designed to trick you into thinking its facebook website since the design looks the same, no difference.
The only difference here is the website url, this means the link to the website which they have hidden using a url shortener to trick you into clicking it in the first place and if you are not sharp to detect it after visiting the link, you may fall victim of getting your facebook account hacked and before you know it, the person in charge of the phishing website must have gained access into your account and then change your email and password. Now you don't want that right. This is why i am writing this article to teach you the trick they make use of so you can detect it and avoid it when you come across such trick.
I know the word
PHISHING Website doesn't ring a bell in your ear because you probably don't know what it means. You see it as jagons but right now you will know what it means and why they make use of it. Of course we are all learning new things every day and this one should be added to your knowledge so you can also inform others too.
So What Is Phishing Website. according to wiki,
according to mean, in simple term, a phishing website is a site that is design to look exactly like a popular website most of us know, this could be your email provider, social media, internet banking platform, private website such as gmail, yahoo, YouTube, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, gtbank internet banking, other bank's internet banking platform etc.
This kind of trick involves sending you a link through either email, chat, text message etc by warning you to take action to avoid being disabled or locked out of your account. Most of us most have received this type of warning mail through our email, warning you to change or update your details and if you don't do that within 24hours, you will not be able to access your email address, internet banking platform, social media account etc. Inside that warning mail contains the phishing website link which is written in a way to make you think its from the actual website you are using and when you click on it, it looks like the actual website they warned you about to take action, and gulible internet users will quickly insert their login details without thinking twice about it, automatically you've given out your secret login details on a platter of gold unknowingly
now the latest way they have adopted is using facebook chat because they know lots of people are using facebook. The perfect disguise they make use of is to use a female profile, this could be one of the profile they created for this purpose or the one they must have hacked into to gain access and if the hacked account happens to be your friend, then the trick would work on you without you even thinking twice because you would believe its your friend that is sending you such message and you would want to help her win the competition.
So you have to be careful when clicking any links that is hidden in url shorterning like,, etc. So whenever you receive a chat message from any one , regardless whether the person is you friend on facebook or not, asking you to vote for him or her without providing actual link, do not click on it or even if you click on it and it asked you to reinsert your facebook login details, just pause there and check your browser to see if actually that is facebook website.
You can do this by checking on the search box where you normally type website link each time you want to visit a website. If you are using operamini, just scroll to the search box to check the link of the website to see if it is website. At times you may see a name closely related to facebook, you may see something like, facebok, All this are names they would use.
It may be different in your own case but to find out the real website, just scroll to the place where you normally type any website name when you want to visit such site, there you will see the real phishing website name. If find yourself in such case, just type the main and you will noticed you are still logged in but the fake phishing website was asking you to login. If you dare login, you have successfully giving your facebook account details to them unknowingly.
Same trick also applies with other site. If you receive unsolicited email asking you to update your details or whatever they asked of you, after clicking the link they provided, just scroll to where you usually type any website name each time you want to visit a website as usual, you will see the link of the site to confirm if its real or not. If it is asking you to enter your login details, just visit the main website to see if you are still logged in, in most cases, you will still be logged in.
Lots of facebook users most have received a message from their friends that they should stop adding them in groups and if you are sure you did not add them, then your account is compromised because some one has gain access into your account and they are using it to add your friends to can prevent this by changing your password or deleting most of the apps you authorized access.
Don't know what i mean by app, well, facebook has a feature where their users can create an app and share it for others to make use of. To make use of this app, most of them will ask you to authorize access to certain privileges so they can perform task on your behalf. Now this is where it gets fishy. If the app is created by some one whose intent is to use it for dubious means, then your account is at stake because that person can post on your timeline and do other stuffs without you notice because you have already given them the authority to use your facebook account as they wish.
Most of you must have given access privileges to certain apps without knowing it. To check the apps you have given access to, login to your facebook, click on settings, then scroll to where you will see apps, you will see the list of apps you have given access. Example of a popular app most of you must have given access is Candy crush. This enables candy crush to display your level as you play the game. Guess you now understand how it works.
so many people have lost access to their social media account, email, internet banking platform etc due to this kind of trick because its now spreading like wild fire. so please share this content by clicking on the share button to either share on facebook, twitter, google plus so others can be others to save them from getting their account hacked.
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